You can think of a Check-in as a super-quick personal MOT. It’s important to take time to reflect on the week, and a pre-meeting Check-in is a really easy way to help the whole team do that together.

There are only two questions to think about:

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How does it work?

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Check-ins replace a link in your regular meeting invite. Clicking the link will redirect you to answer two mood questions before you join your usual call.

Sharing what feels comfortable

We know that everyone is different and sometimes you don’t feel like sharing. After you select your mood and feelings, you can choose to share everything, nothing or individual feelings with the others on your call. You can also choose to share your feelings anonymously.

Checking-in with your own feelings is still a valuable exercise, even if you decide not to share.

If you choose not to share anything, a Spill practitioner is the only person who will ever see your answers (they’ll see a user ID, not your name). That’s so a practitioner can automatically reach out to anyone who’s consistently feeling low or has reported a big dip in mood to check whether they need any extra support.

If you choose not to share your answers, they won’t be included in any aggregated data held by your company.

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If you decide to share your answers, they’ll be visible on the results page. This is where you see the feelings that have been shared by everyone on your call, as well as a snapshot of your whole team’s mood over time. Click ‘Join Meeting’ at the bottom to join your normal video call.

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